Why choose personalized cups for your association? What are the advantages of this solution? Who should I consult to obtain personalized cups?
Are you thinking of an ecological solution for your association, such as, adopting reusable glasses and dishes? We have the solution! By choosing GobeletCup® you can have a return on your purchase. In fact, more than having reusable products, you can also launch a communication campaign and develop a strong image.
How? GobeletCup® explains everything in this article.
Why choose personalized cups for your association?
The reusable cups personalized for your association allow you to stand out with this unique touch, but at the same time it is an excellent communication support.
Why? See explanations bellow:
- Advertising
The advantage of our personalized cups is that they are reusable. It is a way to be remembered and to highlight your association. Each client, or volunteer, who will take a glass with him will be promoting your image.
- Eco-friendly:
protecting our ecosystem and the planet, is a cause that concerns us all. Choosing a personalized glass for your association allows you to contribute to a sustainable development. In addition, it allows you to create a positive image of an ecological and conscious company about protecting the environment.
- Creativity and originality
choosing a personalized glass for your association allows you, compared to other associations, to be original and creative. With this concept, it manages to stand out and be remembered by people. Choose this excellent communication support that will bring you countless advantages.
Why choose GobeletCup®
Un gobelet réutilisable personnalisé pour votre association, c’est votre outil de communication et il se doit d’être réussi. C’est pourquoi Gobelet Cup vous propose de nous confier la réalisation.
Nous vous conseillerons et vous guiderons dans cette démarche.
Vous vous posez certainement beaucoup de questions, notamment concernant le format ou comment transmettre vos idées. Avec Gobeletcup, tous vos doutes se dissiperont !
Nous avons plusieurs formats de gobelets réutilisables disponibles selon vos préférences : du shooter 4 cl aux gobelets standards 12 cl, 20 cl, 30 cl et 40 cl, jusqu’aux gobelets grands format 50 cl et 1 litre. Choisissez le produit qu’il vous faut !
Les gobelets plastiques de haute qualité Gobeletcup® vous sont proposés en version « Givré » ou en une multitude de coloris opaques. Ils restent intacts même après plusieurs centaines de passages au lave-vaisselle. De plus, nous vous accompagnons dans la mise en place et la réalisation de votre gobelet personnalisé pour votre association.
Vous pouvez compter sur nous pour la réalisation sur-mesure des gobelets personnalisés pour votre association.
The other GobeletCup® products
To help you in your ecological approach, we have extended our range with new, reusable and essential products: plastic bottles, cutlery and plates. Discover our entire range here.
Our dishes are made of polypropylene plastic, an environmentally friendly material that allows an almost total reduction of your waste. In addition to being a reusable and ecological object, our customizable product for your association also allows you to develop your brand image in an effective and positive way.
Together, we reduce the waste production by adopting a practical, ecological and economical solution! For more information or to request a quote, you can contact our team using the form or by calling +33 1 76 21 19 98.